Challenge #25 - No Manipulation

What do you think of the words coercion, blackmail, force, threaten and demand? They are kind of ugly, huh?  They are all versions of manipulation.  Here are some that aren’t so intense, but still qualify as forms of manipulation: “little white lies,” “guilt trips,” and “searing looks.”  


I don’t think any of us would want to be considered manipulative, but the fact is, most of us are, to some degree or another.  So, it’s time for a little introspection.  In what ways are you manipulative?  


We are usually manipulative when we want something and doubt the other person is willing to provide it.  The higher road is to be open and honest by making a simple request and then completely respecting her agency.


Here is the challenge: Make a list of ways you might be acting manipulative and decide to never employ those tactics again to get something you want. If there is something you want or need, make a simple request and then completely respect her agency.  (No looks, no comments, no pretending hurt and so on.  You get the idea.)

Journal Exercise

    • In what ways might you be manipulative?
    • What is your commitment to never employ these tools?
    • Write about an awesome date you took her on lately.
    • In what ways has your empathy increased lately?


These challenges are based off of powerful principles that are true and sound, however, they are not a replacement for professional counseling or medical assistance and are not applicable to all individuals. There are many variables that factor into the effectiveness of this program such as:

    • The physical, emotional and mental health of both the husband and wife.
    • Past experiences and beliefs of both husband and wife.
    • The effort and consistency applied to the challenges.

If your relationship is in serious trouble, you may want to seek the assistance of a competent licensed counselor that can provide you personalized guidance.